THumb sucking Clinic

Help with persistent thumb sucking

Our dedicated Thumb Sucking Clinic at Knightsbridge and Richmond Orthodontics is aimed at children over the age of 7 with a persistent digit sucking habit that needs a helping hand.

About the Thumb sucking Clinic

Thumb sucking is a very common childhood habit, with three quarters of infants sucking their thumb in their first year.

The majority of experts agree that a thumb sucker younger than 5 shouldn’t be pressured to stop. Most children will simply grow out of the habit. However, if it continues once your child starts school, it can have a negative effect on developing teeth and bite. Thumb sucking has the following effects on the mouth and teeth:

  • Upper front teeth stick out.

  • Lower front teeth move inward.

  • Anterior open bite where the upper and lower front teeth do not meet

  • Narrowing of the upper arch which leads to the development of a crossbite.

  • Persistent thumb sucking can lead to speech problems such as lisping and imprecise pronunciation (especially of Ts and Ds). If the habit breaks before the adult dentition becomes established at around age 7-8, your child is unlikely to have caused any long term damage to their teeth.

At The London Orthodontic Group we offer helpful advice and practical solutions to help your child break the habit. More than 60% of UK’s 10 year old digit suckers have very serious bite problems that can require lengthy and complex courses of orthodontic treatment. Our team of experts which includes Runa Mowla-Copley, the co founder of one of the UK’s first Thumb Sucking clinics aim to make the process of breaking the habit as simple as possible. Habit breakers such as thumb guards or orthodontic dental cribs are often prescribed.

For more information on breaking a digit sucking habit visit

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