Damon BRACEs

Damon BRACEs

The Damon System gives you a broader smile than conventional braces, the type of smile preferred by more than two thirds of adults.

About The Damon System

Natural Broad Arch Smile
Smiles with a broad arch show more teeth and fill the corners of your mouth. The result is a more natural and appealing smile. A broad arch also provides facial support, which gives the face a more youthful appearance.

Upright Teeth for Proper Bite
Teeth may appear relatively straight, while still being tipped in (pictured) or flared out. Having the teeth upright and in the correct position helps the jaws to function properly and can protect against wear caused by improper bite. Upright teeth can also enhance a smile’s appeal.

Smile Arc
An important aspect of a beautiful smile is the smile arc. A smile arc is created when the curve of the teeth follows the curve of the lower lip, creating a naturally beautiful and flowing smile.

Treating a Gummy Smile
A smile with gingival excess, also known as a ‘gummy’ smile, can distract from the natural beauty of the teeth and face. Many Damon doctors can now treat gummy smiles to incredible results. Ask your Damon doctor about their experience treating these smiles.

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What are the Advantages?

Faster Treatment
While treatment time can vary, the Damon System has been proven to treat faster and require fewer appointments than traditional braces. Light force, high technology and shape memory wires move teeth more efficiently, reducing dentist visits and treatment times to help you better manage your busy schedule.

More Comfortable
Damon Braces’ innovative approach to Orthodontics is more comfortable than conventional braces.

Light, Gentle Forces
That’s because the Damon System’s advanced technology uses light, gentle forces to move teeth to their correct positions more freely and more comfortably.

Reduced Need for Elastic Ties
Conventional braces use elastics to tie the wire into the bracket which causes friction and pressure, making treatment slower and less comfortable.

Fewer Tooth Extractions or Expanders
Damon doctors can now treat most cases without extractions, the removal of healthy teeth, or the use of headgear or palatal expanders to make space. These are more often required with traditional treatment and can be uncomfortable.

Healthier For You
The light, gentle forces used by the Damon System promote efficient tooth movement and help improve oral health by preserving tooth roots. Lighter forces also help prevent undue gum recession and tooth loss.

The elastic ties of traditional braces have been proven to attract and collect plaque and bacteria. Because it does not require elastic ties, the Damon System helps improve oral hygiene and protect gum health.

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How long does treatment take?

Treatment time with the Damon System is typically much faster than with conventional braces. Also, fewer appointments are required during treatment.

Since the Damon System works so quickly, does that mean it is harsh or unsafe?

On the contrary, what makes the Damon System work so quickly is that it uses lighter, gentle forces than many traditional braces. The low friction nature of the system and the light force shape memory wires are designed to gently guide your teeth into their ideal position with less discomfort than traditional braces.

Will my teeth hurt after adjustments?

Very light "shape memory" titanium wires are used that gently guide your teeth to their ideal position. Many people experience very little discomfort.

Aren't braces big and bulky?

Not any more! Braces are smaller than they were just a few years ago, and new options like Damon Clear can help make them more discreet than the metal braces you may remember. Damon Braces have a small bracket size and profile with smooth, rounded corners designed for both aesthetics and patient comfort.

What about adult treatment?

It's not too late! Healthy adults can often be treated just as easily as children. Healthy teeth can be moved at any age. In fact, according to the American Association of Orthodontists today about 1 in 5 patients is an adult. Many patients are treated into their 60s, 70s and beyond.* Many patients seek treatment even if they had braces in their youth. If you're looking into treatment as an adult be sure to consider Damon Braces. In a consumer survey, over 70% of consumer who had previously undergone Orthodontic treatment stated they would have preferred to have received a Damon smile when shown a picture.**

*American Association of Orthodontists**Source: Propeller Research, “Healthy Smile IQ” poll of 1,011 US consumers, September 14–17, 2019.Clinical images courtesy of Dr. Stuart Frost.

How much does the Damon System treatment cost?

We know that cost is a big question for anyone considering braces. The truth is, only your doctor can determine the cost for your specific treatment. It depends a lot on the kind of treatment you need and how long it will take. Damon Braces are usually similar to the cost of traditional braces. We will help you find options to make your treatment affordable. We offer flexible and affordable monthly payment plans, many with no down payment and no interest. We also offer third party patient financing program.

Does insurance cover Damon System treatment?

Because medical benefits differ significantly from policy to policy, you should review your policy coverage. If you have Orthodontic coverage, Damon System braces are covered to the same extent as regular braces.

What payment options are available?

We will help you find options to make your treatment affordable. we offer flexible and affordable monthly payment plans, many with no down payment and no interest.

We also offer third party patient financing programs specifically designed for healthcare expenses, making it easier for you to get the treatment or procedures you want and need.

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